Quoting Mark Taylor: “This first picture is one you haven’t seen before and I put it in a PowerPoint loop that we showed during the refreshment time [of the memorial service]. It personifies Fawia’s zest and joy for life, and that little girl image running after the Asian Paradise Flycatcher that you described so well and made everybody smile!
The photo was taken by Donny Lam at the AIC [Alliance International Church] Family Retreat last Autumn. Fawzia is swinging with Angela Wong with whom she was thinking about helping in her ministry to English speaking women prisoners in Hong Kong! I want to add Donny’s words to me today about what happened as he took this picture:
‘That swing thing will go faster and faster without much manoeuvring. I had to give a hand to stop it after Angela found herself having too much of a spin and was begging Fawzia [to] stop making it go faster. I do not think she did that intentionally, but Fawzia's face told the whole world she was enjoying it a lot, like a little girl, humming a tune too. As I remember, both ladies could not stand on their feet properly for a while.’”