Friday, March 21, 2014

Visit to the birthplace of China's most famous philosopher, Confucius (born 551BC), in Qifu, Shandong Provice

With Junju, her husband, son, and our guide, a former English major at Qifu University.
With Junju's son

The Red Guards (during the Cultural Revolution) had no respect for Confucius. They damaged a number of monuments. The tomb of Confucius and the graves of his descendants are in a lovely cemetery nearby. The guide told us that Red Guards also desecrated the cemetery, digging up some bodies and hanging them from trees.

Trip to Taishan Mountain, May 2004

From Beijing, we went to Jinan, the capital of Shandong, by train. Junju teaches at Shandong University. She is now a Dean.

Baotu Spring Park, in the center of Jinan.

With Skyler, a law major at Shandong University, who came to show us around.

Junju then took us to the lovely Taishan mountain. 1500 meters high, 7,000 steps to climb, but we took the cable car!

At Junju's home, in university housing. She's showing us prize-winning drawings by her son. He is now at the University of Seattle.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Fawzia in Sydney, 2006

In July 2006, we visited Australia, staying with relatives in Brisbane ( where we have one aunt and a five cousins), Sydney, and Melbourne. In Sydney, we stayed with Ahmar and Huma Mahboob and their four children. Ahmar and Huma turned out to be the best of hosts, welcoming us warmly and driving us everywhere. The chidren were a delight. Of the three cities we visited, we enjoyed Sydney the most because of the Mahboobs.

Sydney Opera House in the background.

Sydney Bridge in background.

With Huma and Ahmar Mahboob.

On the coastal road to Woolongong.

With Kiran, the oldest of four children.

At a Chinese Buddhist Temple.

At the lovely Blue Mountains.

The Three Sisters in the background.

With Kinza, the youngest.