Monday, March 17, 2014

Fawzia in Sydney, 2006

In July 2006, we visited Australia, staying with relatives in Brisbane ( where we have one aunt and a five cousins), Sydney, and Melbourne. In Sydney, we stayed with Ahmar and Huma Mahboob and their four children. Ahmar and Huma turned out to be the best of hosts, welcoming us warmly and driving us everywhere. The chidren were a delight. Of the three cities we visited, we enjoyed Sydney the most because of the Mahboobs.

Sydney Opera House in the background.

Sydney Bridge in background.

With Huma and Ahmar Mahboob.

On the coastal road to Woolongong.

With Kiran, the oldest of four children.

At a Chinese Buddhist Temple.

At the lovely Blue Mountains.

The Three Sisters in the background.

With Kinza, the youngest.